Here it is ... if you cannot understand without subtitles just follow the hands ;-)
"Why should I practice running slow? I already know how to run slow. I want to learn to run fast" - Emil Zatopek
"Racing teaches us to challenge ourselves. It teaches us to push beyond where we thought we could go. It helps us to find out what we are made of. This is what we do. This is what it's all about."
-PattiSue Plumer, U.S. Olympian
giovedì 28 giugno 2012
During the track meet Miles interviewed us for his new blog ( asking questions about our experience here in the US.
Here it is ... if you cannot understand without subtitles just follow the hands ;-)
Here it is ... if you cannot understand without subtitles just follow the hands ;-)
2012 PVTC All-Comers Meet #3 - Falls Church VA
L'ultima giornata di gare negli Stati Uniti l'abbiamo passata a Fall Church, sulla pista d'atletica della locale High School.
Questa serie di meeting, organizzati magistralmente dal Potomac Valley Track Club, si svolge durante gran parte dell'estate e permette di avvicinare all'atletica leggera il pubblico più disparato (settantenni che corrono con bambini di 6 anni ... c'è un pò di tutto).
Questo il link al sito del PVTC.
Sia io che Simonetta abbiamo corso il miglio alle 9 di mattina ed il 3000 nel primo pomeriggio (all'una) dopo aver aspettato quasi 4 ore al sole ...
La seconda gara è stata quasi un regalo di addio (o arrivederci), siamo stati presentati con l'inno nazionale e gli atlteti in campo era tutti volti familiari (Ted, Miles, JJ, Mark...); è stato bellissimo.
Tra l'altro abbiamo pure vinto la nostra ultima gara negli USA ;-)
Grazie e complimenti a Craig e a tutti i volontari del PVTC per il pregievole lavoro che svolgete!
Questa serie di meeting, organizzati magistralmente dal Potomac Valley Track Club, si svolge durante gran parte dell'estate e permette di avvicinare all'atletica leggera il pubblico più disparato (settantenni che corrono con bambini di 6 anni ... c'è un pò di tutto).
Questo il link al sito del PVTC.
Sia io che Simonetta abbiamo corso il miglio alle 9 di mattina ed il 3000 nel primo pomeriggio (all'una) dopo aver aspettato quasi 4 ore al sole ...
La seconda gara è stata quasi un regalo di addio (o arrivederci), siamo stati presentati con l'inno nazionale e gli atlteti in campo era tutti volti familiari (Ted, Miles, JJ, Mark...); è stato bellissimo.
Tra l'altro abbiamo pure vinto la nostra ultima gara negli USA ;-)
Grazie e complimenti a Craig e a tutti i volontari del PVTC per il pregievole lavoro che svolgete!
2012 PVTC All-Comers Meet #3 - Falls Church VA
Last event in the US has been a track meeting at Falls Church High School. Organized by Potomac Valley Track Club, this series of All-Comers Meets is a great way to introduce Track & Field to a variety of people. Here's the link to the web-page.
We both ran the mile at 9AM and the 3000 meters around 1PM.
The latter was kind of a special gift, Simonetta and myself have been introduced with the Italian national anthem and we were familiar with most of the runners (Miles, JJ, Ted, Mark...). It was a really nice farewell ... BTW we both won our last US race ;-)
Thanks Craig and all PVTC volunteers for putting together this.
mercoledì 27 giugno 2012
2012 Tim Harmon 5K - Fairfax VA
L'ultimo fine settimana di gare negli USA l'abbiamo cominciato il sabato mattina a Fairfax correndo la Tim Harmon 5K.
Questa bella gara, dal percorso quasi pianeggiante (c'erano dei saliscendi, ma a Fairfax è pressochè impossibile trovare un percorso più piatto di così...) da quest'anno è parte integrante del PR Trophy Series.
Ottima l'organizzazione, la sistemazione logistica, la massiccia presenza di premi e le attività post gara.
Qui i risultati finali.
Per concludere è stato bello avere la possibilità di correre ancora una volta con Cathy, Craig, Duane, Ellins, Hugh, Jay, Keith, Liza, Matt, Pat, Raj, Robert, Tami, Vinnie ... e mi scuso se ho dimenticato qualcuno.
Buona fortuna e Arrivederci!
Questa bella gara, dal percorso quasi pianeggiante (c'erano dei saliscendi, ma a Fairfax è pressochè impossibile trovare un percorso più piatto di così...) da quest'anno è parte integrante del PR Trophy Series.
Ottima l'organizzazione, la sistemazione logistica, la massiccia presenza di premi e le attività post gara.
Qui i risultati finali.
Per concludere è stato bello avere la possibilità di correre ancora una volta con Cathy, Craig, Duane, Ellins, Hugh, Jay, Keith, Liza, Matt, Pat, Raj, Robert, Tami, Vinnie ... e mi scuso se ho dimenticato qualcuno.
Buona fortuna e Arrivederci!
2012 Tim Harmon 5K - Fairfax VA
This was the last weekend of races in the US and we started out on Saturday with the 13th Annual Tim Harmon 5K Run/Walk at the Fairfax County Government Center. This annual event is in memory of Tim Harmon, the Director of Residential Services for Alcohol and Drug Services of the Fairfax-Falls Church Community Services Board.
The course is fairly flat (and it cannot be flatter than this in Fairfax...) with just a couple of sharp turns.
Lots of prizes awarded to the top three, male and female overall finishers, plus the top three finishers in 14 age-group categories.
Lots of prizes awarded to the top three, male and female overall finishers, plus the top three finishers in 14 age-group categories.
Very well organized race (this year part of the 2012 PR Trophy Series), outstanding logistics and really nice post race atmosphere.
Here the link to the final results.
It was nice to have a change to race once more alongside with (in alphabetical order) Cathy, Craig, Duane, Ellins, Hugh, Jay, Keith, Liza, Matt, Pat, Raj, Robert, Tami, Vinnie .... we will miss you all.
Best wishes and arrivederci!
lunedì 18 giugno 2012
Run with Dad 5k - Reston VA
Stamattina abbiamo gareggiato nell'ennesima gara di PR 2012 Race Trophy Series.
Questa volta si trattava della Run with Dad 5K, gara che si e' svolta a Reston lungo le trail nelle immediate vicinanze della scuola media "South Lakes" (con partenza ed arrivo sulla pista d'atletica della scuola stessa).
Il percorso non e' facilissimo, si tratta dello stesso della Run for Haiti, ed e' caratterizzato da una dura salita l'ultimo chilometro.
Ottima come sempre l'organizzazione ed abbondanti le premiazioni.
Qui il link ai risultati.
Questa volta si trattava della Run with Dad 5K, gara che si e' svolta a Reston lungo le trail nelle immediate vicinanze della scuola media "South Lakes" (con partenza ed arrivo sulla pista d'atletica della scuola stessa).
Il percorso non e' facilissimo, si tratta dello stesso della Run for Haiti, ed e' caratterizzato da una dura salita l'ultimo chilometro.
Ottima come sempre l'organizzazione ed abbondanti le premiazioni.
Qui il link ai risultati.
Run with Dad 5k - Reston VA
This morning we race in another PR Series Event, the Run with Dad 5k.
The race started and finished on the South Lakes High School track (giving the runners an extra feeling of competition...) and the course used the great Reston pathway system (FYI: same course as Run for Haiti).
Nice race, well organized as usual with lots of awards.
Here's the link to the results.
The race started and finished on the South Lakes High School track (giving the runners an extra feeling of competition...) and the course used the great Reston pathway system (FYI: same course as Run for Haiti).
Nice race, well organized as usual with lots of awards.
Here's the link to the results.
Losing to Live 5K - Annandale VA
![]() |
I vincitori delle edizioni 2011 e 2012 |
Il percorso e' impegnativo, dopo i una partenza in leggera discesa e' un continuo susseguirsi di saliscendi e si chiude con tre impegnative salite nell'ultimo miglio.
La manifestazione e' una delle meglio organizzate, con abbondantissimo premi e un variegato pasto dopo gara ... si non si tratta solo di un ristoro ma di un vero e proprio brunch!
Qui i risultati finali.
Gara che merita essere corsa!
Losing to Live 5K - Annandale VA
We had lost of fun yesterday in Annandale. The Losing to Live 5k is a really a nice race, well organized, tough rolling course (definitively not for PR's) and the brunch and awards ceremony afterward is one of the best for a small race.
Kudos to all volunteers, outstanding job!
Here the final results.
2012 Women's Distance Festival & Run after the Woman 5k - Arlington VA
Mercoledi scorso e' cominciata la serie 2012 Bunion Derby di DCRRC.
I primi due eventi sono stati la 2012 Women's Distance Festival & Run after the Woman 5k. In verità si tratta, in un certo senso, di una gara sola differente dalle altre per il fatto che i maschietti partono 15 minuti dopo le donne ... alla fine non cambia nulla trattandosi di due classifiche separate.
Il percorso e' quello solito delle 5k che partono da Bluemont Park, si corre verso nord immettendosi lungo il W&OD trail e dopo due chilometri e mezzo si rientra al punto di partenza.
Complimenti al Race Director Alex Albertini ed ai suoi volontari attivi lungo il percorso e nel pre e post gara.
Qui il link ai risultati femminili
Era la nostra ultima gara di DCRRC? ... forse ... se il trasloco dovesse essere più' veloce del previsto giovedì prossimo riusciremmo a correre la Hugh Jascourt 4 miler ... speriamo bene ...
2012 Women's Distance Festival & Run after the Woman 5k - Arlington VA
The 2012 DCRRC bunion Derby Series has started last Wednesday June 13 with the first 2 events: Women's Distance Festival & Run after the Woman.
Both races were on the same course, the usual 5000 meters along the W&OD trail, from Bluemont Park northbound. In this case though, women and men started their race at a different time, the latter 15 minutes after the first.
Temperatures were higher than usual but a slight breeze help out the runners. Race director Alex Albertini and his volunteers did a great job!
Here's the women's results
Here's the men's results.
Was this our last DCRRC event? not sure ... maybe, but we'll try to participate at the Hugh Jascourt Four Miler at Fletcher's Boathouse next Thursday (June 21)... not sure we will gonna make it :-(
Both races were on the same course, the usual 5000 meters along the W&OD trail, from Bluemont Park northbound. In this case though, women and men started their race at a different time, the latter 15 minutes after the first.
Temperatures were higher than usual but a slight breeze help out the runners. Race director Alex Albertini and his volunteers did a great job!
Here's the women's results
Here's the men's results.
Was this our last DCRRC event? not sure ... maybe, but we'll try to participate at the Hugh Jascourt Four Miler at Fletcher's Boathouse next Thursday (June 21)... not sure we will gonna make it :-(
mercoledì 13 giugno 2012
Pacemakers 10K - Airlie, Warrington VA
Domenica scorsa abbiamo corso per il secondo anno consecutivo la Pacemakers 10K, una piccola gara che si svolge nelle colline che circondano Warrington, un centinaio di chilometri ad ovest di DC.
Il percorso e' particolare; si parte dall'aeroporto privato di Airlie e si continua lungo le stradine di campagna in un susseguirsi di saliscendi e pascoli privati. Bello ... mi ricorda un po' le colline di casa ...
Stupendo il finale all'interno del parco della villa (trasformata in centro congressi) con l'ultima impegnativa salita poche centinaia di metri prima dell'arrivo.
Gara che vale la pena di essere corsa, ottima location, bella sistemazione logistica e ampi parcheggi; unica pecca il ristoro finale della 10K ... c'era tanto da bere ma erano rimaste solo le banane e le uova sode da mangiare ... sic.
Qui il link alla classifica finale.
Il percorso e' particolare; si parte dall'aeroporto privato di Airlie e si continua lungo le stradine di campagna in un susseguirsi di saliscendi e pascoli privati. Bello ... mi ricorda un po' le colline di casa ...
Stupendo il finale all'interno del parco della villa (trasformata in centro congressi) con l'ultima impegnativa salita poche centinaia di metri prima dell'arrivo.
Gara che vale la pena di essere corsa, ottima location, bella sistemazione logistica e ampi parcheggi; unica pecca il ristoro finale della 10K ... c'era tanto da bere ma erano rimaste solo le banane e le uova sode da mangiare ... sic.
Qui il link alla classifica finale.
Pacemakers 10K - Airlie, Warrington VA
Last Sunday, for the second year in a row, we ran the Pacemakers 10k, a small race in the surroundings of Warrington (Virginia), one hour west of DC.
The course leaves the airstrip on Airlie Road and heads onto Blackwell Road in the horse country of Fauquier County. Runners continue through rolling farmland and loop back to Airlie Conference Center. Notable but gentle hills are located at 1.5 miles and 2.5 miles into the course and finally a beautiful finish through the Airlie property in front of the waterfall and across the historic stone bridge, then past the Smokehouse and through the main gate.
The scenic course is the strong point of this small race, I love to run in the countryside. Well organized event, nice logistics, and beautiful location; the only downside is the post race refreshments for the 10K ... plenty of water and Gatorade to drink but only bananas left to eat ...
Trophies were awarded to the top male and female finishers and medals for first and second place in ten year age groups.
The course leaves the airstrip on Airlie Road and heads onto Blackwell Road in the horse country of Fauquier County. Runners continue through rolling farmland and loop back to Airlie Conference Center. Notable but gentle hills are located at 1.5 miles and 2.5 miles into the course and finally a beautiful finish through the Airlie property in front of the waterfall and across the historic stone bridge, then past the Smokehouse and through the main gate.
The scenic course is the strong point of this small race, I love to run in the countryside. Well organized event, nice logistics, and beautiful location; the only downside is the post race refreshments for the 10K ... plenty of water and Gatorade to drink but only bananas left to eat ...
Trophies were awarded to the top male and female finishers and medals for first and second place in ten year age groups.
Here the link to the final results.
lunedì 11 giugno 2012
Potomac River Running Twilight Festival 4-Miler - Ashburn VA

Per quanto riguarda la mia gara non e' andata troppo bene, come dicevo prima sono partito troppo forte e mi sono "piantato" al terzo miglio.

L'organizzazione e' stata impeccabile (soprattutto considerando il gran caldo) ed il post gara e' stato molto bello tra pizza birra e numerose altre attività'.
Qui il link ai risultati, qui invece l'insieme delle foto fatte da Cheryl (grazie).
Potomac River Running Twilight Festival 4-Miler - Ashburn VA
Saturday, on a hot evening, we ran in Ashburn, VA the sixth annual Potomac River Running Twilight Festival 4-Miler.
The course is fast, slightly downhill at the beginning so it's easy to start out too fast ... and unfortunately that's what I did .... very competitive but beautifully organized.
A lot of activities after the race were available, including pizza, beer garden, games and much more ....
That's for sure a race you need to run to improve your PR in the unusual distance of 4 miles.
Here you can find the final results.
Run with the June Bugs Cross Country 5K - Deerwood MD
Venerdi sera e' stata la mia ultima gara con MCRRC (Montgomery County Road Runner Club). Si e' trattato di una campestre (lunga 5k) che si e' svolta interamente all'interno del Agricoltural History Farm Park di Deerwood in Maryland.
La gara e' la solita bellissima gara di MCRRC, ottima organizzazione, percorso bellissimo ed impegnativo e volontari disposti lungo tutto il percorso.
Sono contento che l'ultima gara sia stata una campestre, visto che lo scorso anno ho vinto la classifica finale, peccato che siamo arrivati alla partenza veramente all'ultimo istante, anzi a dire il vero mentre tutti erano partiti io ero ancora fermo mentre mi attaccavo pettorale, chip e mi allacciavo le scarpe.... pero' passare tutti tranne uno e' stato bellissimo.

Questo il link ai risultati finali.
Run with the June Bugs Cross Country 5K - Deerwood MD
Sadly, last Friday I ran the last race with Montgomery County Road Runners Club.
It was the usual beautiful event, very well organized, with a nice and challenging course within the Agricultural Historic Farm Park in Deerwood, Maryland.
We barely made it to the starting line on time ... well actually I started almost a minute late, I still had to pin my bib, tight my chip and lace my shoes after the "GO!"...
But it was fun and I'm more than happy that I ended my "MCCRC experience" with a cross country race. I was definitively sad to set hello to all my racing friend, I'm gonna miss you guys!
Here the link to the final results.
giovedì 7 giugno 2012
Juni Rennen 5K - Boyd MD

Il percorso e' decisamente bello, vario, tortuoso e pieno di saliscendi (qui il link alla mappa). Il luogo scelto e' adattissimo per ospitare di gare con limitata presenza di partecipanti (fino a 300 circa) in quanto si possono trovare parcheggi, bagni e tavolini a sufficienza. L'organizzazione e' quella impeccabile del MCRRC, una certezza.
Qui i risultati finali.
Juni Rennen 5K - Boyd MD
Usually the first weekend of June is Capital Crescent 5k's time ... This year, due to a construction at the Capitol Crescent Trail, Montgomery County Road Running Club replaced the race with a brand new event , the Juni Rennen (German for June Race). The race was on paved trails and roads in South Germantown Park (click here for the course map). The course is somewhat hilly, very well organized (as usual), with a lot of parking spaces, restrooms and well marked.
Run for a Dream Half Marathon (part 2) - Williamsburg VA
Well, it's true .... the course was a little bit longer than 13.1 miles and the Event Director sent an mail to all the runners explaining what happened, apologizing and taking full responsibility for the error.
Thanks a lot for spending time and money to recheck the course and keeping us informed. This is one of the best efforts I've ever seen from a race director in trying to fulfill runners requests.
THANKS, and keep up the good work!
FYI, here's the mail:
Thanks a lot for spending time and money to recheck the course and keeping us informed. This is one of the best efforts I've ever seen from a race director in trying to fulfill runners requests.
THANKS, and keep up the good work!
FYI, here's the mail:
Dear Half Marathon Runners,
First, congratulations again on a great race. The weather conditions were as perfect as Williamsburg gets, and we were thrilled to hear that several of you PR’ed on May 20th. We strive to put together a first-class road race, aiming to deliver on all the little details to give you a great run and overall experience. To that end, we partner with the best of the best, from DMSE race management to the Williamsburg public safety team, and we were proud to host a great race weekend on May 19-20.
Unfortunately it has been brought to our attention that several runners who wore Garmin watches found the half marathon course to be longer than 13.1 miles. We take this very seriously. Please know that this course was measured by a USATF certifier in 2011. We made a few small changes to the 2011 course, and adjusted the Colonial Parkway turn-around accordingly when the course was re-certified last fall. |
Since last Sunday night when reports and questions about the course length began coming in, our course crew and race management team have worked diligently with the course certifier and USATF to determine the exact length of the course. After riding the course and new measurements, it is clear now that there was an error in measurement for 2012, and the course is indeed longer than 13.1 miles when measured on the tangents.
The USATF Mid-Atlantic Course Certification Supervisor came to Williamsburg this weekend, and will be back in June to validate the course as it was marked and run on May 20th.
Once we determine the exact certification length of the course that you ran, we will add a column to the timing results to give you an adjusted time for 13.1 miles. Since we had such great weather conditions, we suspect many of you will find that you did indeed PR, and will be pleased to see your time improve. |
Of course, once the USATF supervisor has measured the May 20th course, he will also certify the course properly, and adjust the turn-around point so that our half marathon measures exactly 13.1 for next year's half marathon on June 2, 2013.
We greatly apologize for this error in course delivery. Our goal is to create the ideal race experience, and in this area we did not deliver. I know you have questions, and ask for your patience while we go through this process. We will follow up with an email in 3-4 weeks when the course has been re-measured and times adjusted. In the meantime, congratulations again on a great race, and thank you for your support. |
Kelly Cannon Event Director, Run for the 804-212-8721 |
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